Baby Girl Gets Bear From Deployed Dad. But She Flips Out When She Squeezes Her Teddy’s Hand.

When we’re a toddler, things are simple. We have the person (or people) who takes care of us—be it our mother, father, a relative, or an adoptive parent, and we have our siblings and friends. We know who they are and we know that we absolutely love them unconditionally because they’ve managed to make us feel love and protection, and they’ve taken care of us selflessly. So when one or more of these sacred people in our lives go away, it is of course difficult to fathom.


In reality however, it’s not always feasible for someone to be around all of the time, especially when someone is in the military, having to face deployment. Sometimes, children and a spouse have to go months or years without seeing their loved ones. Which is what happened to this little girl.

Pia is a little toddler whose father, Drew, was assigned abroad for eight months. But Drew knew that he couldn’t possibly let his baby girl go one day without hearing his voice. So for that reason, he personally built a teddy bear for Pia that was designed to play her a special message. While Drew was gone, Pia’s mother gave her the teddy bear and prompted her to squeeze its hand. The message? Too adorable for words.


When Pia hears her father’s voice, she begins shouting out, “Dad! Dad!” and hugs the bear furiously. She continues to press the hand several times, her excitement and love growing more and more with each press. It’s absolutely evident that Pia is daddy’s little girl!

Watch the stunning video below to hear the chilling voice message and, if you’ve loved it, then be sure to share it with your family and friends.

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