14 Year Old Busker Stuns Passers-By With Voice Worthy Of Main Stage

One of the greatest things about platforms such as YouTube is that it
allows us to witness the performances of incredibly talented individuals
around the world far earlier than if we had to wait for them to be
“discovered”. A perfect example is Mia Black, an incredibly talented
singer from Ireland.

From a young age, Mia had an aptitude for music. Before she could
even speak, her dad noticed she was humming at the same frequency
as the dial tone on the phone.

Mia was born on the 18th of December 2006 in Galway, Ireland, into a
very musical family. Her grandfather Gerry Black played with three
different bands: The Hilton, The Finnavons and Gerry Black & The
Seasons. She is also the great-niece of Mickey O’Neill, who played with


legendary Irish singer Brendan Bowyer and also the band The
As she grew older, Mia continued her humming and later began to sing
along with songs. Mia mentions that YouTube was really helpful as a
way of learning songs too.

Mia’s musical career began when she was just seven years old. She
performed concerts, in musicals in theatres and as a performer at
weddings. When she became a little older, although still only eleven,
she also took her music outdoors, busking on the streets in Galway.
She credits busking with giving her the confidence to perform on stage.
As all up and coming musicians seem to nowadays, Mia started making
videos for social media, particularly YouTube. Mia has her own channel,
which has almost 95,000 subscribers. Her most popular video to date is
a cover of Ed Sheeran’s Perfect, which has been viewed 3.3 million
times. Her combined videos have clocked up over 8.3 million views.
Mia’s channel is not the only place her fame is spreading. She also
features regularly on the Dublin City Today channel, and these videos
have been viewed over 10 million times. It’s little wonder her fame goes
way beyond the borders of her native Ireland.

Recently, Mia was invited by the most followed band in America, “Boyce
Avenue”, to come over to Florida and record two cover videos with
“Interval 941”. The members of Interval 941 are the sons of members of
Boyce Avenue, so this invitation makes sense. The video has been
pretty popular, so it may not be long until Mia is as popular in the USA
as she is in Ireland.

YouTube is not the only proof of this amazing girl’s talent. Mia has
already recorded an impressive four demo CDs, two recorded in a

studio and two of her live performances. Again, we have to remind
ourselves that this young lady isn’t yet fifteen! To expand her musical
abilities, she is also learning to play the ukulele and the guitar, as well
as working on original songs with a view to making an album one day.
As Mia is so young, she hasn’t begun dating yet, and with so many
plans for the future, she may need to keep romance on the back burner.
When asked what she’d be if she weren’t a musician, Mia said she
loves to act, so probably an actress. It looks like she’s going to be a
busy girl! What are Mia’s plans for the future? Let’s let Mia tell you
herself. “Hopefully writing good music with a good message and
If you haven’t heard Mia sing yet, it’s time you did. Check out one of her
most popular videos, singing the Calum Scott hit, “You Are The

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